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Simple Guide to Building a Quality Gaming Station Setup

A well-designed video game setup requires comfort, functionality, and attractiveness. Whether in a dedicated room of its own or just around the corner of a bedroom, a personal battle station is a special place for relaxing, socializing, and entertaining oneself with a sit-down game.

Use this handy guide to improve the efficiency of your gaming experience while you remain stylish and comfortable. It offers lots of tips and tricks to consider when building an at-home video game battle station, especially if you compete with others in online multiplayer.

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Does the player make the game complete?

by Paul Gestl

Games let us become heroes of our time. We fight the bad guys, find true love, and save the world, all in a day’s work. But before we do any of that, we have to pick a hairstyle that looks like a badass anime protagonist, hopefully without having to buy any DLCs.

Screenshot by Ryan Somma/CC BY 2.0

Character customization has become a staple of many RPGs and other sorts of games that you wouldn’t expect as an option. But in reality, what does a bunch of attractive aesthetics actually do for players of a game?
From a technical standpoint, next to nothing.

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10 Early Access Games Just Released

Today, I’m going to present some Early Access games published this December. You’ll notice that these title releases haven’t been on the market for very long, which is why there are hardly any reviews on them. They are still in the development and testing phase. Further changes will be made before the full version comes out.

This is a great opportunity to snag a bunch of Early Access discounts through their limited edition special promotional offers. If you are eager to get involved in the current state of their game, then you should give constructive suggestions on the Dev’s community page and report any glitches or bugs you find.

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Steam Holiday Events: The Spooky Edition

Steam holiday sales are happening next week. This year, they are breaking from the traditional daily and flash deals. So don’t miss the opportunity to find huge discounts on games. If you can’t afford new releases, waiting until the holidays will surely pay off.

The Steam Halloween Sale of 2017 has some spooky discounts on horror games, in particular, horror virtual reality games and scary movies. There is plenty of Halloween spirit to go around. This event runs from October 26 to November 1. Many games are at least 60% off the original price.

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What is the Steam Music Player?

The Steam Music Library

I may no longer be new to Steam, but I still haven’t found a use for the Steam Music Player. It’s supposed to be a music library meant to store your video game soundtracks. The music files are stored as MP3 files. It shares many similarities with iTunes. You can listen to soundtracks from your favorite games.

This may sound pointless, but it is a good way to listen to the OSTs without being under pressure from fighting a hard boss or trying to overcome a timed stage. If it is copyrighted, then it might not stay on YouTube. Buying soundtracks is the safe, legal option.

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