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What exactly is Steam Early Access?

Steam Early Access
Games that Evolve as You Play Them!

What does it really mean when people put their games on early access? If you haven’t heard of Early Access, it’s when Steam made it possible for gamers to give feedback on the quality of games while the developers were still in the middle of adding assets, fixing bugs, and making updates to their game.

Steam’s lax policy on releasing Indie Games has always attracted an influx of gamers worldwide, especially people who are passionate about game creation. At some point, Steam decided to expand on the game development process by involving their community aka you guys since you are their customer base.

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Spoiler Etiquette in Gaming

A guest post by Paul Gestl

(Warning: this article contains spoilers for the following games used for sake of example which is Super Mario Bros and Dragon Age Origins) Read at your own risk!

“Bowser really wasn’t all that tough, huh?” Says John. John’s friend Gina says, “I guess that’s why you fight him a bunch more.”

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Understanding Video Game Controls

Video Game Controls – Keyboard or Controller?

Since we’ve already suggested what constitutes gameplay, it’s time to tackle the next tough subject of “Do gamers prefer to play on their keyboards as opposed to controllers?” I recently found a report on PC Overwatch players winning against players who use a controller.

It’s making me wonder about the debate because apparently at higher levels, shooting enemy teams in Overwatch is more precise on a keyboard which is why console users are buying a Xim4 adaptor to even the battlefield. 

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Taking a short break from blogging

In case you’re wondering, no this blog isn’t shut down forever. Far from it, I’m going to share my opinion on Video Game Controls as I promised long ago…once I stop procrastinating and get back to work. Besides, I’m not giving up on blogging when I don’t even have my first review out yet.

I hope you guys admire the new site design because I’ve already decided on the background images. I’ll make it easier for you to find the latest reviews & walkthroughs by placing them in alphabetical order by title. Now all I need to do is design a better-looking logo and a thumbnail that accurately represents Steam gaming as a whole.

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Deciding on a Review Template

Greetings, fellow readers! It is time for me to begin addressing a small issue on PC Games for Steam. I’ve been proposing on how to publish my future Steam Library reviews. These will help introduce you guys to games you haven’t heard of nor tried yet. I assure you that I will try to review games using an objective approach.

In the event I run out of material, I would greatly appreciate anyone willing to offer some suggestions on how to create my reviews. I’m going to be offering my personal opinion on video games. But I’d prefer to stay objective on why I would evaluate one game as decent enough and another as virtually unplayable. 

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